Sunday, August 10, 2014

Bad Days

I try really hard to concentrate on the good days. I don't want to whinge about the state of things. I felt like I really had this whole motherhood thing under control, but now everything is spiralling. The worst part is, I thought today was going to be a good day.

I slept it a bit this morning as V slept in (on account of being very tired from not sleeping). I sent Chris out for his run and then V and I hung out with Kaiser for a while, who has finally come home from the vets. I decided to have a thorough read through his discharge notes and realised that I am meant to do his physio with him every 2 hours! This seems a little difficult to manage. Once I had V down for a nap, I did the physio, and then V was awake by the time I finished. Still, not a big deal.

I then went for a run. My longest run since I fell pregnant in fact. I think my pace was actually pretty good for me. The day was looking great. I envisaged getting home and sitting on the back deck with V and Kaiser and having a cup of tea. It was not to be.

When I got home V was in a bad mood. She had hardly slept. I managed to get her down for a nap eventually and we did more physio with Kaiser. I noticed Kaiser seemed very quiet, not really eating or drinking much and he started coughing, almost like he was going to vomit. Chris called the vet and they thought maybe he needed some antacids, so Chris had to go out to the chemist. It was about a 50minute round trip as all the local chemists were closed by this time. Just as he walked out the door, V woke up and it was the witching hour (or 2 hrs really). So I did everything I could to keep her entertained and not screaming. I also tried to keep the poodles quiet, who were barking quite a bit by now (I have to keep them separate from Kaiser, which they don't like).

I got V down for bed for the night by the time Chris got home. He gave Kaiser the antacids but after a further chat with the vet, decided that he better take Kaiser back to the vet (at Gatton) to get him checked out. So Chris left. It was now around 7:30. The poodles were still being extremely painful. So on my list of things I was going to do today due to Chris actually having a day off, all I achieved was run. I also got a headache, but that isn't on the list. I can't imagine ever being on top of things again. Right now, I am seriously cursing my mother for leaving me with her idiot poodles while she is off on a 3 month dream holiday. Tonight I want to hide under my doona and cry. I think I will at least try and load the dishwasher first, and fold some laundry.

Waiting to hear from Chris on what is wrong with Kaiser.

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