Monday, July 14, 2014

Fur Babies

In addition to a human baby, I have fur babies. I love my fur babies dearly, but unfortunately my beautiful german shepherd is very unwell and staying in the vet hospital right now. Sadly we had to say goodbye to our wonderful lab, Bailey not long ago too. Today I read a blog somebody had written about their last day with their dog, so I thought I would share my last week with Bailey. Yes, I stole this idea, but Bailey wouldn't mind

We had to say goodbye to you Bailey. After 14 wonderful years together, you were a bit tired and worn out around the edges. Your body ached, your tail wagged less and you were confused. We wanted desperately to keep you with us, but we knew you deserved a rest. Before we said goodbye, we decided to give you a special week, celebrating your life.

We went to the forest for a walk. You couldn't walk far, but you loved all the smells and spending special time with us.

We took you swimming in the river - one of your most favourite things to do. You spent a long time at the river, just swimming out a little way and then coming back. It made you tired but you thought it was worth it.

You went to visit your 'dog father'. He is your special friend who always looks after you and Kaiser when mummy and daddy go away. He spoils you but that is ok because you deserve to be spoilt and loved. You enjoyed sniffing all those familiar smells in his yard and having cuddles.

Some of your friends came to visit and gave you cuddles and kisses. You love cuddles and kisses and you give the best cuddles of any puppy I have ever known.

You had one last swim. Your lovely Aunty and Uncle came along for that swim and when you were too tired to swim, we had lunch at the cafe nearby. You got to have chips. In fact, you got to eat lots of goodies in that last week, like denta stix, pigs ears and chicken frames. You gained a bit of weight, but it didn't matter anymore.

On the day we said goodbye, mummy and daddy tried to be cheerful so you wouldn't feel stressed. We took you to the vet which is also one of your favourite things to do. The vet was also very sad and had tears in her eyes when we arrived. She has known you for a long time too, and looked after you since you have been old and sore. They gave you some medicine to calm you down, so you wouldn't feel scared or anxious. Mummy and Daddy gave you cuddles and listened to the sound of your tail wagging against the floor. After a while it stopped wagging and you were very peaceful. Then the vet came back and gave you a needle so you could go to sleep forever. Now you don't hurt anymore.

Mummy and Daddy took you home and buried you underneath a weeping willow. Mummy says it weeps for you always, just like she does. Kaiser, your baby sister V and your Grandma watched from the deck as we said our final goodbyes. When we came inside we found that some lovely friends had sent gifts to help us remember you and to make us feel a bit happy when we were so sad.

I miss you so very much. I miss your cuddles and your happy tail. I miss your floppy ears and your little happy dance before we gave you a treat. I don't miss you hurting though, so I know that it was right to say goodbye. Thank you so much for being such a beautiful, loyal and loving friend. You saved me.

Beneath this willow tree
Lies a friend so dear to me
Together we walked my darkest roads
Always leading me gently to the sunlight glow.

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